Kindergarten Orientation for September 2024
Posted on 05/15/2024

We would like to welcome all our new Kindergarten students that have registered for September 2024. We hope many of you were able to attend our Kindergarten Orientation that was held on May 15th at Ardagh Bluffs Public School, however we know this was not possible for everyone.

For all new Kindergarten families to Ardagh Bluffs, please CLICK HERE to view an information package that will help you become more familiar with our routines and procedures, and of course, the kindergarten classrooms and programs. 

We are here to support you and your children have a positive experience in transitioning to elementary school.  We really believe that by working together with our parents and guardians as partners, and keeping the lines of communication open, children will experience success in their learning journey.

Looking forward to working with you and meeting our newest Bengals in September!