Message from your Principal - January Newsletter
Posted on 01/08/2024

Greetings Ardagh Bluffs Families,

Happy New Year!  We hope that you and your families have enjoyed the winter holiday and have had time to enjoy doing the things that re-energize you.  

To begin, we would like to extend our gratitude to the entire Ardagh Bluffs Community for making our second annual Snow Much Fun Festival a huge success!  This initiative was planned and led by our School Council with the support of staff, community and student volunteers.  We would also like to express our appreciation to the community members, families and businesses that donated items for our silent auction and to families for their donations to the themed classroom baskets.  As you know, we certainly had lots of snow that day and we would like to thank our school community for coming out in large numbers to attend this event despite the wintery weather.  We raised $4387.60 that will go directly towards clubs, teams, sports and extra-curricular activities at Ardagh.  Wait to go Bengals!  

In January, we are looking forward to engaging in various special days and events!  Friday, January 19th will be our Bring Back the Sun Spirit Day and staff and students are welcome to wear their summer items. On Wednesday, January 24th our School Council will be meeting in the library at 6:00 p.m.  All parents and guardians are welcome to attend this meeting as we plan for the second half of the school year. As a reminder, Friday, January 26th is a Professional Activity Day and there will be no school for students on this date.

We would like to thank our entire school community for working together to foster such an inclusive, welcoming and supportive school environment.  


We are looking forward to collaborating with you in 2024!

Ms. Robinson and Mr. Kirwan