Message From Your Principal - May Newsletter
Posted on 05/06/2024

Greetings Ardagh Bluffs Families,

Welcome to the month of May!  This month we look forward to recognizing Asian, Dutch, Jewish and South Asian Heritage Months. To begin the month, we will also recognize Children’s Mental Health Week and SCDSB’s Education Week.  

At Ardagh Bluffs Public School, we are committed to maintaining a safe, inviting and supportive school environment, and recognize that all students and community members have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in our school.  We also recognize and value the importance of relationships with families and know that these relationships have a positive impact on student well-being, achievement and belonging.  As school administrators, Mr. Kirwan and I are committed to being available to speak to parents and guardians about their experiences at our school. If you would like to connect regarding successes or challenges experienced this year, please connect with us via phone (Ms. Robinson - x29302 or Mr. Kirwan - x29303) or by email at [email protected] or [email protected].  We are also both outdoors during almost all entry and dismissal times and you are welcome to connect with us at the Kiss and Ride or bussing areas.  Please know that we are committed to working collaboratively to finding shared solutions and ensuring that families feel safe and supported in our school community.  

We would like to thank the Ardagh Bluffs Community for their ongoing support throughout the month of April! We were so pleased to see so many families out at the School Council’s Wendy’s Night where we raised $460 for general school needs to support students. Our Food Bank Fridays have seen much support from the school community! This month, our Food Bank Fridays will be held on May 10th and May 24th.  We are also proud of our staff and students for participating in Barrie’s Spring into Clean Event in recognition of Earth Day this year.  Together we collected over 60 bags of garbage from the school grounds and local park areas.  We’re excited to share that with the support of a group of committed volunteers, our Kindergarten team was able to raise $650.48 to put towards outdoor projects for the Kindergarten Yard during their first Hot Dog Day. Please consider supporting their next fundraising event (e.g., Hot Dog Day or a donation) to move their efforts forward. The first project they are hoping to install is some large tires for students to play on. We have raised about a third of the funds needed for this project.

This month we are looking forward to many extra-curricular and curricular events and activities! Please save the date for our Family Math Night which will be held on Thursday, May 9th from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Our Multicultural Fashion Show will take place on Friday, May 17th at both 9:40 a.m. and 11:50 a.m. Parents and guardians are invited to join us for these assemblies.  Please sign in at the front door when you arrive.  This month we are also eager to welcome our newest Bengals during Welcome to Kindergarten which will take place from 4:15-5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15th.  

Our school community is eager to be participating in Jump Rope for Heart on Thursday, May 23rd to raise funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  We’re also very excited that Track and Field will be held at Ardagh on Friday, May 24th (rain date Monday, May 27th). In addition, the Grade 3’s are busy preparing for their EQAO assessment which will take place beginning on May 27th and ending on May 30th.  The Grade 6’s will participate in the assessment from June 3rd to 6th.  

Thank you for your continued support during our School Council Fundraisers.  This month we are looking forward to several fundraising initiatives including Big Box of Cards and Grow for the Green through Bradford Greenhouses. The School Council will meet again on Wednesday, May 29th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the school library.  All parents and guardians are welcome to attend this meeting and volunteer to support the initiatives described above as well as engage in planning for the 2024-2025 school year. 

We’re looking forward to another exciting month at Ardagh!

Jennifer Robinson, Principal

Warren Kirwan, Vice Principal