Greetings Ardagh Bluffs’ Families,
To begin the month of January, our choir was busy practicing for their live performance that took place on Saturday, January 11th for our Barrie Colts Fundraiser where they sang O’Canada at the evening game. As always, we had an amazing turnout of Ardagh families at the event! Thank you to everyone who supported this school fundraiser. We were able to raise $1,512.00 which will go directly towards the purchase of new chromebooks for our school!
We are very excited to welcome the month of February! This month our school will recognize Black History Month and Chinese Heritage Month. Our Equity Team that includes both staff and student leadership has been busy planning a variety of learning opportunities which will include sharing materials and resources with staff during our February Staff Meeting. Our student branch of the committee has been busy planning displays, and will be decorating the halls with posters they have selected and preparing daily e-Announcements to share facts about exemplary Black individuals with our school community. We enjoyed our Lunar New Year Virtual Read Aloud, read by Mr. Ma on Friday, January 31st and we are eager for our virtual Black History Month Read Aloud which will feature reading by Mr. Robinson, one of Ardagh’s community members.
February 5 is an exciting day for our Grade 8 students as this will be Graduation Photo Day. Details have been shared with Grade 8 families via email. On February 12th, we will have our regular meeting of the School Council. These meetings are open to all parents and guardians of the school and we encourage everyone to attend. We are always looking for your input and suggestions as well as volunteers for our many fundraising endeavours.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, we are looking forward to our Valentine’s Day Dance-a-Thon, which will be hosted by our School Council. Treats will be sold to offset the cost of the event and all funds raised will be put towards Athletics, General School Needs, Technology and School Enhancements. Please be sure to order treats for Kindergarten to Grade 3 students on School Cash Online.
On Thursday, February 26, our school will recognize and participate in Pink Shirt Day to bring awareness to all forms of bullying and discrimination and the importance of standing up for what is right, reporting incidents and being welcoming, kind, and supportive to every person in the Ardagh community. If your child does not have a pink item to wear and would like to participate, please email [email protected] so that we can provide them with a pink ribbon to wear.
Families can expect to receive Term 1 Report Cards on Friday, February 14th. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s Report Card, please reach out to your child’s educator as they are eager to work with you to support your child’s learning.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our school. We truly appreciate being a part of such a wonderful school community!
Wishing everyone a safe and learning filled month,
Ms. Robinson and Mr. Kirwan